Look Like You Care

by Aaron Sampson & Mirani Bhatt

silver / 2021 /

Look like you care

Look Like You Care

Simons is slowing down fashion. Clothing hits the landfill before it's out of style and far before its usefulness runs out. With the average lifetime of a garment being 3 years or less and with only 15% of clothing being donated or recycled it's no wonder that the fashion industry is a large polluter. Simons is moving against that trend and redefining sustainable fashion showing that you can care about the environment and stay fashionable. An individual would drop off their old clothes to a Simons store and receive a credit for Simons sustainable line. The clothes would be repurposed by local designers to come up with a sustainability-inspired fashion line. The winning lines would be launched through a fully sustainable fashion show. The new lines would then be available as the season's sustainable style for Simons.

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